
Calorifiers – domestic hot water systemsCalorifiers or water heaters from Flexiheat UK

What are calorifiers?

Calorifiers are indirect-fired water heaters used in a heating and hot water system to provide domestic hot water. The term “indirect fired” refers to a water heater that does not have its own burner. It is a water storage cylinder with one or more heat exchanger coils containing hot liquids , normally water but can also be a solar fluid , or can be a tank in tank design of indirect hot water heaters.

The calorifier tank is designed to be connected to an external heat source, such as a gas boiler, an oil boiler, or a renewable energy system such as a heat pump, wood or pellet boiler, or an electric boiler.

The term calorifiers is used in the heating industry, and this is the area we are referring to. The term calorifiers is also used in the marine industry – a marine calorifier is a completely different to heating calorifiers as they are fed by engine coolant, that use drop coil technology.

External heat source

Generally, in the past calorifiers have been powered by a boiler heating water up to a temperature of normally 80C – this hot water is classified as the primary hot water which feeds a single coil normally fitted in lower half space or multiple coils (twin coil), within the water heaters tank.

Hot water calorifier showing the internal coil Flexiheat UK

Single coil shown inside the water heaters

The heat exchanger coils of the calorifier work by heating up the cold water in hot water cylinder to the required demand

The cold water contained in the water heater is then heated up to 60C to prevent the formation of legionella in the domestic hot water systems – this is known as the domestic hot water (commonly abbreviated to DHW)

Please note – You will require a calorifier with stainless coils if you have a central heating system with an aluminium heat exchanger or if there is any aluminium in the system. Galvanic corrosion, particularly the interaction of two dissimilar metals in water, will cause the calorifiers early demise.

For calorifier sizing, please see our webpage – commercial calorifier sizing

Click here – For our 80 to 500 litre indirect stainless steel calorifier range

Or for our 200 litre to 6,000 Litre commercial indirect hot water heaters  –  click here for our Commercial hot water cylinders

or click here for our twin coil cylinders range

and here for our tank in tank water heaters – which are high recovery water heaters

Electric heater backup or top up

Calorifiers can also have a backup or top up system for heating water, in the form of an immersion heater.

The immersion heater is powered by electricity, and in the case of heating boiler failure or when heat pumps can’t heat the water heaters to the desired temperature (normally the maximum is 55C that a heat pump can produce – remember we require at least 60C) then they, by efficient means (electric has 100% efficiency) , either replaces the function of the heating coil to heat the potable hot water directly or additionally to the heat generated by the coil in the case of heat pump’s, tops up the hot water heating demand.

Hot Water

Commercial buildings, leisure industry, sports facilities and public buildings domestic hot water systems are fed by water heater calorifiers normally on a DHW secondary return system to ensure the hot water system is heated and maintained above the temperature required to prevent the risk of legionella’s disease.

This guarantees that hot water is always accessible at any of the taps, regardless of their proximity to the calorifiers.

Hot water cylinder temperature control

All calorifiers require a thermostat to control the operation of the heat source supplying the water heater.

Domestic hot water calorifier

If you require any further assistance, latest offers / cost of our calorifiers range, which are indirect hot water cylinders for heating and hot water , please contact us via our email contact form /page above or call our sales team direct on 01202 822221.

15kW Electric boiler / Electric Boilers

15kw electric boiler ;15kw electric system boiler; electric heating ; home heating

15kW Electric Boiler for a wet central heating system – radiators or underfloor heating.

15kw electric system boiler

Our 15kW electric boiler is our most popular electric boiler, for central heating and hot water system replacement for a gas boiler or oil boiler, as customers look to reduce their carbon footprint / carbon emissions. They can be used for underfloor heating or traditional radiator central heating, or even a combination of both.

These are electric system boilers, so have a pump, pressure relief valve and expansion vessel fitted internally, and these eliminate unnecessary external plumbing and pipework and have a 100% electric energy efficiency.

They can also be used to produce domestic hot water, when used in conjunction with an indirect hot water cylinder, especially if the property has a bath, as you will need an element of domestic hot water storage, as an electric combi boiler will not be able to cope with the demand.

Central heating with green electricity

With gas boilers being phased out in the UK to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions, electric boilers when powered by carbon neutral or renewable energy sources are just one of the solutions to reducing global warming and help replace gas boilers.

Largest electric boiler on single phase supply?

A 15kw electric boiler is the largest electric boiler you can run off a single phase supply that is commonly connected to properties with a 100 Amp electric supply that we have in the UK.

Thus, at maximum output these 15kw electric boilers can consume 72 Amps – when wired to a single phase / 240-volt supply

Should you put a kettle, a toaster, tumble drier, or hair dryer on, which all can consume 13 Amps each of your single phase / 240 Volt electricity supply – then you can get very close to maximum amps available or even blow you main board fuse.

With the following unique product – Our maximum current Watcher – which essentially, temporarily reduces the boilers output, and thus the amps drawn, should the boiler get close to your maximum amps – all automatically – when the amps drop, the boiler automatically goes back to the power required.

The” maximum current watcher” – it is basically a releasing relay (restriction of current). The relay monitors and controls the electric voltage in the whole house or flat and in the case of exceeding the permitted values of the electric current it reduces the input power to the electric boiler. All of this is done automatically, without any human intervention needed. This system will not only operate on our 240 volt / 1 Phase Electric boilers, but also our 400 Volt / 3 phase units as well. This now means that you can use our 15kW electric boiler model, in a property or flat with standard 240-volt, single phase with no worries or problems that the boiler will trip out the main electric board.

Electric Boilers

Electric boilers work without emitting any fumes or waste gases that you get with a gas boiler, which reduces your carbon footprint, eliminates the possibility of a carbon monoxide leak, and allows for flexible installation because a flue system is not required . Electric boilers are almost completely silent when running too thanks to the silent triac power switches. We supply a full range of outputs up to 45kW, so if you require another size, please see our webpage – electric heating boilers 

Wall mounted heating boiler

Advantages at a glance:

Energy saving circulating pump

High efficiency erp smart pumps are used in our 15kw electric boilers, with stainless steel impellers.

Pump protection against clogging

Regular spinning of the pump (once every 24 hours) prevents potential clogging of the pump during an extended electric boiler off period

Very quiet operation

Thanks to the silent triac power switches in this electric heating boiler – they are completely silent.

• Smart electronic modulating system with step less regulation in low power steps or jumps of 2.5 kW each – the modulating electronic control of this wall mounted heating boiler, will ramp up and down the power steps or levels , to suit the central heating system requirements – be it underfloor heating or radiators – this auto heating regulation mode or process ensures reduced energy consumption, as the electric boiler matches the heating output to the demand of the hot water radiators or under floor heating, and result in lower energy bills / running costs.

• Automatic modulating electric boilers (sem system)  – the minimum power of the electric boiler is 2.5 kW, then the boiler modulates up and down the output range in 2.5kW steps .You also have the capabilities of setting the boiler at a maximum kW output i.e., to either 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 or 15kW, and the boiler will ramp up and down depending on the heating system demand to the maximum set value.

• Comes with a wall bracket steel template for wall mounting these electric heating boilers.

Download the Flexiheat Electric Boiler Range Brochure


• Possibility of connecting a controller with “OpenTherm +” communication – these are your “Nest” or “Siri” type of thermostats, that can be wireless or internet thermostats- that you can control from an app on your phone, iPad or computer. Allowing you to control your central heating system.

apple ios virtual; experience dsr solaris; boilers comet electric; experience launch android; launch android virtual; android virtual experience; ios virtual experience; virtual experience dsr; virtual experience launch; mattira electric

Or you can use traditional ambient thermostats,

• Possibility of regulation according to the room or outside temperature

• Possibility of remote control of the electric boiler using an SMS message in conjunction with an SMS module (optional extra)

• Digital control panel with a clear, two-digit LED digital display

• Safety switch protection with heating flow detector

• We use copper elements – not stainless steel shielded elements – as copper has a shorter heat up period, and thus is a better product in this application.

• HDO communication – remote switching of the operation to a low rate by the electricity supplier- very handy if you’re on an economy 7 type of cheaper tariff scheme – saving costs on running your

• Internal heating expansion vessel

• Possibility to control the outlet temperature of the electric boilers by means of a 0 – 10 Volt electric signal

• Possibility of producing hot water in an external storage tank after installing a three-way valve which is controlled by the electric boiler.

• Top design – with all the components to operate a wet central heating system be it underfloor heating systems or radiators, with all pipework connections easily accessed at the bottom of the boiler, for ease of installation. The auto air vent is located at the top of the boiler, to ensure it gets the air removed from these electric boilers and an easy to use digital display inbuilt to the unit.

• Smaller external dimensions of the packaged boiler, with lower water content

• Integrated refill (regulated by hydro block) integrated frost protection

• Small dimensions – you have more location’s to fit you electric heating boiler, with a time saver install, with no additional external plumbing and pipe work are required , as these are sealed system boilers.

• Auto air vent – to remove any air from the electric boilers heat up chamber, and to prevent any damage to the immersion heater / heaters.

• Two year warranty for our insulated steel manufactured boilers.

• No noxious fumes or gases when you use electric central heating boilers.

Electric combi boiler

They simply don’t work at this size , you need a three phase supply for these boilers to give a usable hot water flow rate. See our dedicated webpage on electric combination boilers for more info.

Hot water indirect cylinder heating

domestic hot water heating with an electric boiler;

1. The electric boilers have an automatic system in them that operates both the heating and the indirect DHW cylinder

2. It operates in switching mode

3. Domestic Hot Water always has priority

4. For heating it works at the “heating” temperature – lower temperature (25C to .80°C), can be set and controlled – and you can use weather compensated control –

Compensated weather control- the boiler automatically drops the flow temperature relative to the weather conditions – for example on a day when the temperature is 12C outside – and you want 20C inside, the boiler works out that you only require 50C to the radiators, and this saves you energy and thus running costs.

The boiler then automatically switches on the pump and immersion heater heating elements and regulates to the desired temperature for the heating system.

5. For the DHW cylinder, the electrical boiler heats up to a higher temperature (usually 75-80°C, to heat the DHW indirect stainless steel cylinder as quickly as possible)  – the automatic control closes the heating circuit and opens the DHW storage heater heating circuit, switches on the pump and heating elements and heats to a higher temperature (75-80°C) and heats the DHW cylinder very quickly (100 litres in approx. 10 – 20 minutes! Based on a 15kW )

6. After the DHW Cylinder is heated, it switches to heating (see “4.”)

Why is this indirect set up important?

Because you can have two required temperatures – i.e., the heating side of the boiler, may be running underfloor heating – which needs a maximum temperature of 45C, or if the boiler is compensating the flow temperatures to a radiator system, for example – it may have reduced the flow temperature to 50 or 60C – This would not be a high enough temperature to heat the indirect hot water cylinder

And this is the problem with the old “S” and “Y” plan control system, that use 2 x 2 port valves – one for the heating and one for the DHW indirect water cylinder. You can only have one temperature coming out of the electric boiler – which may well be not high enough to supply the domestic hot water cylinder.

Electric central heating boilers

So call us at Flexiheat UK as we are the electric boiler specialists for the United Kingdom , our helpful friendly and professional sales team are ready to deal with your enquiry, get a price or order please contact our sales team on 01202 822221 or click above on our website for our email contact form.

60kW Boiler

60kW Boiler – Gas fired condensing boiler

60kw boiler;60kw system boiler;60kw heat only boiler;60kw regular boiler

Our 60kw boiler is a hot water boiler for central heating and will also produce domestic hot water via an indirect cylinder for larger properties or light commercial applications. They are a regular boiler, which are normally wall hung / mounted or can be installed on an optional frame floor standing kit if space is at a premium, when considering your new high efficiency boiler.

With ERP high efficiencies of 97% full load efficiency and 108% at part load efficiency, this is an “A” rating energy efficient boiler, they are ideal boilers- with a lightweight design and compact footprint for this product range, and low class 6 NOx emissions.

They are available in natural gas models or LPG gas models, and have a 28mm diameter stainless steel heat exchanger – which guarantees lower blocking risk, higher thermal efficiency, and easier cleaning of this commercial boiler.

Condensing boiler – 60 kW

These boilers make use of a method known as condensing, in which the boiler extracts the energy that has been accumulated in the hot exhaust gases before discharging them into the external environment. Because of this, its operating efficiency rating is significantly increased, and it also achieves a greater fuel economy, which results in running costs saving, which you would expect when installing a new boiler.

A gas condensing boiler is the best boiler, as they’re the most reliable and efficient for heavy domestic or light commercial heating applications. Our wall hung boiler features as standard, a reliable high efficiency pump integrated within this commercial boiler. This reduces installation labour time and cost.

Commercial boiler or large home heating boiler?

At this boiler output, this boiler may be referred to as a commercial boiler. Some people say anything over a 50kW boiler is one. Any qualified domestic gas engineer, who is gas safe registered can install a natural gas-fired condensing boiler up to 70kW of input. So, is it a light commercial boiler or a large domestic boiler – it’s in the eye of the beholder as they say?

60kW System boiler or 60kW Regular boiler

These are 60kW regular boilers, also known as conventional boilers or heat only boilers, these maintain the pressure in the heating system with the assistance of a header tank, also known as a feed (sometimes called a cold water storage cistern) and expansion tank, which is often located in the attic. On the other hand, system boilers make use of a pressurised heating circuit that is fed by water drawn from the mains. System boilers are more common these days as they are sealed heating systems.

You can make our unit into a 60kW system boiler by adding an expansion vessel to the heating system, unfortunately at this size of boiler we don’t have the space within the casing for installation of the expansion vessel.

System boiler fitted with an external expansion vessel; ideal evomax ;boiler repair

Stainless steel combustion chamber

Product details and features – careful component selection – for high reliability this product features a stainless steel heat exchanger in our commercial boiler, as it’s the most suitable providing long product life as they provide a higher level of resistance to oxidation and corrosion, whilst light enough in weight at the output rating of 60 kW to be wall mounted / wall hung. Most high quality popular brands also use stainless steel heat exchangers now for reliability, but a few still using an inferior aluminium heat exchanger in their wall hung new boiler. We offer a 5 years warranty on our heat exchanger on this commercial boiler.

60 kw boiler;60kw system boiler; gas boiler 60kw; ideal evomax

Stainless steel heat exchanger – lots of space for servicing or boiler repair should it ever be needed

Home heating

When used in larger properties or homes, with normally 20 plus radiators and with multiple bathrooms, a suitable indirect hot water cylinder must be used. We do a full range of these, with sizing details depending the domestic hot water demands – see more on our dedicated webpage – indirect unvented cylinders – for more information on this product range.

Central heating system

This regular boiler can heat a big residential home or commercial facility with the same level of effectiveness. With a high modulation or turndown ratio of 10:1, which ensures great heat load matching to the heating system requirements, you real are getting the best boiler on the UK and Irish markets.

This boiler can be used on an underfloor heating system installation or a traditional radiator heating system installation, and we have cascade boiler installations options, should you want to use this commercial boiler in multiples with pipe header kits, floor standing frame kit etc ,with a cascade control option.

Download the R1K 60 – 60kW gas fired condensing boiler manual from Flexiheat UK

Control and thermostat options for our boilers

The unit has an inbuilt control panel which is a large backlit display, with simple controls which are easy to use.

A weather sensor is included as standard for optional weather compensation. It controls the boiler’s output based on the weather outside conditions to make sure it uses the least amount of energy and reduces running costs. This is referred to as weather optimization and compensation.

This unit is also “OpenTherm” compatible which means you can use Nest or Hive controllers to control your boiler from a phone App. Or we do an updated controls option called cloud warm.

Opentherm controller Wi-Fi app controlled from Flexiheat UK

Cloud Warm – Wireless Wi-Fi controller – can be app controlled via a phone, iPad or computer.

Natural gas boiler or LPG gas

Our wall hung boilers can be supplied in either natural gas or propane gas (commonly known as LPG), we can also supply a conversion gas install kit should you wish to change from natural gas to LPG, or vice versa. Whatever gas you use, your getting a reliable high efficiency boiler, with great load efficiency – with a certified  “A” rated ErP energy efficiency rating.

Delivery or Collection

You can purchase your new boiler direct with us, to get the best deal. We can deliver on a small half pallet service – the delivery date might be variable depending on your postcode. For example, a Scottish Highlands, or West Wales postcode can take 2/3 working days – while a “middle England” postcode may only take one working day. Alternatively, you can collect from our local branch at Wimborne, Dorset, England – postcode – BH21 6SZ

60kW Gas Boiler

Should you require any more information or a cost on our 60kW gas fired boiler on the UK and Irish markets, please contact our sales team on 01202 822221 or click here for our email contact form. All of sales are supplied with an inc vat invoice.

9kW Electric Boiler – System boiler with high modulation

 9kW Electric Boiler

9kw electric boiler for wet central heating water heating;low carbon green energy electric heating

A 9kw electric boiler works just like a gas boiler, just that it’s powered by electricity rather than gas. They benefit from easier installation, as no requirements for flue offers flexible installation location – you can decide where to locate your electric boiler to suit your needs or your customer requirements, unlike a gas system which can be dictated by the flue system requirements of gas or oil boilers.They do both a wet central heating system, either a underfloor heating or radiator central heating and domestic hot water purposes via an indirect hot water cylinder.

Electric heating can be carbon neutral if you supply the boiler with electricity produced by carbon neutral sources.

Our electric boilers ensure maximum efficiency, as they have a great modulation range of 1kW power steps, meaning our electric boilers will ramp up and down their power output range in small 1kW power jumps i.e. stage heating.

With no annual gas safety certificate required for electric boilers resulting in lower maintenance costs, and the ideal choice to be installed in a property (a flat or small house) for either a retrofit or new installation.

Wet central heating with an electric boiler

These 9kW electric boilers, which provide wet central heating come complete with an integrated “ErP” energy efficient compliant heating pump and an integrated 7 litre expansion vessel, making these electric boilers what is commonly known as a “sealed system boiler” or sealed systems and eliminate unnecessary external plumbing for an expansion vessel and pump.

High efficiency electric compact or small boiler from Flexiheat UK – 9kw hot water output; electric flow boiler with only a cold water supply needed

A compact and small electric boiler – energy efficient home heating electric solution from Flexiheat UK

This means this electric boiler can not only do the heating system, be it an underfloor heating or radiator heating system, but can also heat an indirect cylinder for your domestic hot water requirements if so required.

This allows you to have a “sealed heating system,” meaning that no feed and expansion water tank (i.e.,an open vented central heating system) is required in the loft — which can be prone to freezing or bursting, you don’t get this potential problem with sealed central heating systems. It also makes installation much easier and more compact in the property because all the necessary parts are inside the electric boiler casing, such as the factory fitted circulating pump and expansion vessel.

Electric boilers

  • Factory fitted circulating pump – Energy saving Wilo ErP compliant pump – quality products
  • Can be single phase or three phase powered
  • Heated water temperature output range of up to 80 Degrees C operating temperature
  • Power surges are avoided with soft start and zero volt switching.
  • 9 stage heating – this electric boiler 9kw output will ramp up and down to the heating demands in small 1Kw steps or stagesclosely matching the requirements of the system and thus reducing electricity consumption
  • Electric system boiler outputs all the way from 1kW to 9kW for a wet central heating system, i.e. underfloor heating or standard radiators and domestic hot water purposes via an indirect cylinder
  • No moving parts for long life soft start operation
  • This electric boiler is virtually silent in operation.
  • Fitted with an auto air vent to eliminate air from the heating system
  • Space saving unit – this electric boiler is small in size but will deliver a lot of heat – will fit in a standard domestic airing cupboard
  • No Requirement for annual safety certificate for landlords and no fuel tanks required -reducing maintenance costs
  • Can be controlled via the nice touch screen panel – with operation front control panel indication of temperature, times etc
  • The boiler can be installed for heating only, or for heating and domestic hot water production, via an indirect hot water storage cylinder
  • Can be used with standard radiators or underfloor heating systems – efficient wet central heating
  • This boiler can use a standard room thermostat (which must be volt free) , or a “Opentherm” suitable/ compatible room thermostat such as your “Hive” or “Nest” type of thermostats, which can allow you to control the electric boiler status via an phone app, iPad or computer and reduce electricity consumption and running costs with weather optimization and compensation that Opentherm intelligent controllers do.
  • Constructed with top brand quality engineered products from the leading manufacturers which ensures long life of the electric boiler
  • No flue system is required for an electric boiler – a nice convenience to have, as it cuts down installation time for the installer and costs for the customer – flexible installation location – no annual safety certificate is required for landlords.
  • Has the ability for automatic switching to off peak tariffs
  • Product code – FHEL9 – Single phase electric system boiler (can all be run on a 3 phase supply to)

Energy efficient wet central heating system

To ensure maximum efficiency from our unit, our 9kW electric boiler incorporates nine-stage heating modulation, with small increments of 1kW power steps. This unique benefit will modulate the boiler to reduce electricity consumption and running costs, via better heat load matching of the central heating system as the thermostatic radiator valves open and close or in the case of underfloor heating systems control.

FHEL9 Electrical boiler technical details from Flexiheat UK; potterton gold electric boilers

These boilers can be wired either by a Thee Phase 400 Volt electric or Single Phase 240 Volt electric mains electrical connection- we have highlighted the single phase boiler electrical details in the above data – as it’s the most common electric supply to this boiler size.


The brochure for our range of  electric heating boilers can be downloaded here –

Flexiheat Brochure For Electric Boiler Range 

Energy efficient domestic hot water heating via a hot water cylinder

Delivery or production of domestic hot water is achieved via pressurised or open vented indirect cylinder, for fast filling baths and to supply multiple tap outlets with hot water supply at the same time – schematically like so

domestic hot water heating with an electric boiler; Potterton gold electric boilers; bathroom showroom; vat add delivery; Potterton gold indirect cylinder

The boilers have an automatic system within that operates both the heating and the indirect DHW cylinder

It operates in a switching mode and Domestic Hot Water always has priority

Lower temperatures ( from 25C to 80°C ), can be set and controlled for the heating circuit– and you can use Equithermal control – as our unit is “Opentherm” compatible with various controllers or via our operation front panel indication.

Equithermal control is compensated weather control- the boiler automatically drops the flow temperature relative to the weather conditions – for example on a day when the temperature is 12C outside – and you want 20C inside, the boiler works out that you only require 50C water temperature output to the radiators, and this saves you energy and thus running costs. – more on this in this video

Why is this set up important?

Because you can have two required temperatures – i.e., the heating side of the boiler, may be running underfloor heating – which needs a maximum temperature of 45C, or if the boiler is compensating the flow temperatures to a radiator system, for example – it may have reduced the flow temperature to 50 or 60C – This would not be a high enough temperature to heat the indirect hot water cylinder

For the DHW cylinder, the electric boiler heats up to a higher temperature (usually 75-80°C, to heat the DHW cylinder as quickly as possible) -the automatic control closes the heating circuit and opens the DHW heating circuit, switches on the pump and heating elements and heats to a higher temperature (75-80°C) which heats the DHW cylinder very quickly (100 litres in approx. 10 – 20 minutes! Based on a 15kW)

If you use an unvented mains cold water supply hot water storage cylinder, then you can have a powerful hot water supply delivering mains pressure showering hot water and fast filling baths.

Note – If you require a 9kW electric combi boiler or combination boiler, look at our solution – as a true 9kW electric combi won’t work correctly to produce an adequate flow rate based on the water temperatures we get in the UK and Ireland especially in the winter period – the flow rates as just pathetic and unusable – look our solution here – electric combination boilers

Open vented systems

Pressurised or open vented central heating systems? open vented systems are now old technology when it comes to a wet central heating.

Open vented system allows oxygen ingress into the heating water, which result in corrosion in the system, with standard radiators and some thermostatic radiator valves being manufactured in steel this is not a good idea.

These electric heating central heating boilers are an unvented system boiler only, and not to be used on open vented heating system.

Electric boiler with 9kw Output electric powered

We at Flexiheat UK limited, supply and stock a large range of electric boilers, with our 9kW electric boiler being the best on the UK and Irish markets. Having many benefits such as the best boiler modulation or turndown ratio on the market. Being extremely compact and suitable for use in a house, apartment, mobile home, or flat, along with other types of residential properties. With soft start and zero volt switching to avoid power surges.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our sales customer services team on 01202 822221 or use our email contact form via the contact tab above to message us and get the best price. We normally have stock of the electric boiler unit on the shelf, or we can arrange a delivery on a small pallet service, which can either delivered on an overnight delivery service or a 2/3-day delivery service depending on the customer requirement.

Modular Boilers Commercial

Commercial modular boilers with high energy efficiency

modular boilers commercial with high turn down ratio

Modular boilers commercial with high turndown ratio and large heat output ratings from Flexiheat UK

Modular boilers commercial – Organizations that require hot water for their commercial space heating, such as schools, hotels and office buildings complexes, frequently employ a modular boiler or a modular boiler system, as they are highly efficient, high performance heating solutions.

Modular boilers are designed to be a high performance and cost-effective alternative to a large single boiler for commercial heating. Each module can be a standalone boiler put in a horizontal arrangement or even as a vertical stack of boiler modules arranged one on top of the other, which gives the boilers an incredibly small footprint, which is great for a boiler room with limited space and allow quick installation for your heating and hot water requirements.

commercial modular boilers; hot water boilers; water tube boiler; energy saving boiler plant

Older vertical mounted modular heating boilers / plant – floor standing gas boilers for commercial buildings

The main advantage of this modular boiler design is that if one module fails, the remaining other modules carry on working normally and continue to provide heating, as the boilers run in a cascade operating configuration. That means you won’t be wasting precious operation time due to routine maintenance or repairs. By comparison, if a traditional boiler fails, the whole plant shuts down until the boiler is repaired or replaced.

The net result is increase system security for the heating hydronic systems, as modular systems always provide some level of heating, making them the best solution for commercial applications that cannot afford to be with some level of hot water, whether it be for heating or for the production of domestic hot water. You get long-term durability, economies of scale with these boilers as they match the load of the heating system very well.

modular gas condensing boilers with high turndown ratio and high energy efficiency for better heat load matching for the hvac systems

Newer gas fired condensing boilers – with high turndown ratio for better heat load matching for the hvac heating systems- up to 2,000kW of output when used in cascade with stainless steel heat exchangers


Commercial gas floor standing modular boiler range with condensing technology 180kW and 240kW manual Flexiheat UK


If the building services engineers incorporates into the design one backup modular boiler to address demand uncertainties, the capacity is available without consuming energy unless demand demands it. Furthermore, the heating system has redundancy. Any present unanticipated demand might be satisfied by installing more modular units if space is provided in the design process for future development.

For retrofit projects, an efficient and flexible approach can be achieved to either an old boiler replacement, with the many benefits of a smooth changeover installation or they can also be installed alongside the existing heating boiler that services the building. The boilers are easier to physically handle during transport and installation.

With their compact size, the ability to be fitted in tight spaces is a real benefit.

Modular boilers provide demand-based control management to allow for changes in total heating capacity as well as variable seasonal heating capacity or requirements, which results in energy savings.

In cascade mode all the boilers (which these days are a condensing boiler to comply with the ErP regulations), have one master controller installed alongside the relevant safety devices incorporated with the modular boiler system.

cascaded modular boilers with common flue header from Flexiheat UK

Cascade modulating boilers which can be linked with a common flue header system

Reduce carbon footprint in commercial buildings

These days condensing modular boilers are the standard modular boiler system installed in commercial heating applications, as commercial boilers from 70kW to 400kW have to achieve high energy efficiency, as opposed to the older traditional boiler or conventional boilers that used to be non-condensing boilers.

Condensing boiler technology ensures highly efficient central heating solutions, which is essential in these times of rising energy costs with energy saving being at the top of the HVAC industry and the end users considerations.

Modular boilers work by dividing output capacity, and also increase the heating systems security, with great fuel efficiency as opposed to conventional boiler systems. In short modular boiler systems provide not only a secure but also an efficient approach to essential heating solutions.

Modular boiler systems are not however limited to non domestic buildings or commercial buildings, as they can also be utilised in larger domestic space heating applications as well as opposed to a single boiler room install.

gas modular condensing boilers with high turndown ratio;energy saving; hot water climate system; temperature climate control

Modular condensing boilers for large domestic or commercial hot water heating – 75kW, 100kW and 120kW are two boilers in one casing with 20:1 turndown ratio – with stainless steel heat exchangers

Modular boiler systems

What are the advantages of modular boiler systems, and what do modular boilers provide?

Even if one of the modular boilers fails, the remaining boilers in the system can keep the building warm enough. Modular boilers are also far more convenient to service. Access to the boilers is typically easier, and one module can be serviced while the others continue to satisfy the system’s heat demand without causing unplanned downtime to the heating system.

Energy efficiency by better heating load matching

One of the key benefits of using modulating boilers installed in a modular boiler system is to precisely match the heat load profile of the building is of large advantage. The modulating boilers in a multiple boiler system can be regulated in such a way that they modulate together and equal the system demand, thanks to a sequence controller installed in the system.

Each modulating boiler is operated in its most efficient mode, i.e., part-load, by igniting the maximum number of boilers required to match the load, with each running at or near its minimal modulation, making them the ideal modular boilers for commercial hotel or similar heating.

This keeps the system’s operating efficiency at a high level or the most efficient state all the way up to maximum output requirements.

Repair and preventive maintenance

A multiple boiler system enables heating system security, as one of the primary advantages of the modular design is that if one of the boiler modules requires repair or maintenance, the others can continue to operate and provide heating while the affected boiler module is repaired. That means you won’t have to worry about maintenance or repairs interrupting your operations.

By contrast, if traditional boilers (i.e. large single boilers) fails, the entire heating system shuts down until the boiler is repaired or replaced in commercial applications.

Turndown ratios

Modular boilers offer some great benefits when compared to conventional systems, with single large boilers. A single large conventional boiler will have a high minimum output level, whereby multiple small units or separate modules, each with their own burner allows the individual boilers to modulate to the heating and hot water system variable levels or requirements which leads to lower energy consumption for these commercial boilers.

Building automation system (BAS) or Building management system (BMS)

Building automation or building management systems are often used as one master controller for commercial building HVAC systems. This means that the modular boilers work under the full control of the BMS system, which monitors the heating demand, and adjusts the heat output and the numbers of modular boilers needed to operate during the heating season.

This results in the space heating being run at the most efficient state, resulting in high efficiency, reduced energy usage and energy operating costs. All our modular boilers can be controlled by building automation or management systems, directly via a 0-10V signal.

We also do controllers which are a mini control system for the modular boiler system, which will also ensure rotating boilers or heat exchangers within the modular boiler systems.

Heat exchangers

All our gas commercial boilers range and commercial oil condensing boilers range benefit from a reliable and efficient stainless steel heat exchanger.

modular condensing boiler heat exchanger with large turndown ratios; energy efficiency; hot water; direct water heaters

Commercial heating boiler heat exchanger with high modulation rate – manufactured in stainless steel

Hot water boiler system

Modular boiler systems may be set up to sequence boilers in cascade or unison mode. Cascade control starts a boiler at its lowest heating rate, regulates it to its highest rate, and then starts the next boiler to fulfil the system demand. This approach uses the fewest number of boilers to meet the heating load requirements.

For our gas fired ( natural gas or propane gas options ) modular boilers, please see our dedicated webpage here  – Commercial Gas Boilers 

or for our oil fired option – please see the following webpage – Oil Condensing Boilers 

and finally our industrial and commercial electric boiler range, which can be cascaded up to 5mW of output

Commercial boilers – Modular boilers

We at Flexiheat UK, do a full range of modular boilers commercial in various fuel options such as natural gas, propane gas or oil, with the best boiler turndown ratio on the market, that provide reliable heating solutions in a modular or cascade installation. Please don’t hesitate to contact our sales service team on 01202 822221 or use our email contact form via the contact tab above to message us.

Condensing Water Heaters Legislation UK 2022

Condensing Water Heaters Legislation UK

Part L building regulations logo - condensing water heaters for commercial applications.jpg

Condensing water heaters – The UK government announced revisions to the approved document “L” of the Building Regulations of England and Wales, which defines the criteria for the energy performance and carbon emissions of new and existing buildings, on December 15, 2021. One of the modifications involves tighter thermal efficiency for domestic hot water systems in commercial and industrial water heating applications.

Section 6 of the Scottish Building Standards covers energy performance, which means that in Scotland to you must also install condensing water heaters to.

Guidance documents, called the Technical Handbooks in Scotland and the Approved Documents in England and Wales, provide support for the regulations. How to actually attain compliance is explained in the guideline publications.

Energy efficient water heating for domestic and commercial applications

Usually what happens first in the commercial market, often filters down into the domestic market fairly soon after- but there is no news on this as yet.

Energy savings water heaters

Direct­ fire water heaters must have a minimum heat generator seasonal efficiency of 91 percent (gross calorific value, GCV) for natural gas and 92 percent GCV for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) by June 15 of this year (2022) . For indirect fired water heaters, the minimum heat generator seasonal efficiency (GCV) for natural gas and LPG is 91 percent. The revised criteria apply to both existing and newly constructed non­ domestic building stock.

In practise, what would the higher criteria imply? It effectively eliminates the possibility of replacing non condensing water heaters with like­ for ­like models in the majority of non-­domestic buildings. Only in extreme cases, where a condensing water heater replacement is declared unsuitable by the building control authority, may a minimum seasonal efficiency of 80 percent for gas or 79 percent for LPG be employed.

Installing our high-efficiency condensing water heaters can result in energy savings of more than 20%.

Conserve energy

The increase in hot water heating efficiency, is part of the government’s plan to attain the UK’s net zero objective by 2050, and it represents a significant step toward more energy­ efficient water heating in non­ domestic buildings.

Direct­ fired water heaters are an efficient and cost­ effective way of delivering huge volumes of hygienic hot water, and hospitals, hotels, and leisure centres, which have a high need for instantaneous hot water, are just a few of the structures that rely on this technology.

Until recently, most manufacturers and suppliers supplied both condensing and non condensing types. Condensing water heaters are capable of capturing and reusing latent heat that would otherwise be lost through the flue gases or hot combustion gases . As a consequence, they are up to 20% more efficient than conventional models. Flexiheat Water Heaters, for example, may attain efficiency of up to 98 percent.

A condensing water heater in condensing mode as it extracts all the energy from the fuel

Condensing water heaters – Because the flue gases leaving a condensing water heater are cool, they form a visible mist or plume of water vapour whilst leaving the flue terminal.

We do a full range, with all of our units having a stainless steel heat exchanger, low NOx combustion emissions, better insulation, high energy efficiency, that can be used in a direct, storage or recirculation hot water system – range is here

The stainless steel heat exchangers that are used in our water heaters ensure great thermal efficiency, coupled with our more efficient burners, result in a high level of energy being recovered from the exhaust gases (the same way condensing boilers work) and the net result is less energy is used by the water heater

Energy efficient hot water heaters

The benefit of moving to more efficient condensing units in terms of energy savings is obvious. Many organisations, however, continue to rely on the ability to replace non-condensing water heaters with like­ for ­like models as the present equipment reaches the end of its usable life. Because no substantial work is required, the appliances may be replaced promptly and with minimum disturbance to the building’s regular operations.

While the transition from non­ condensing to condensing water heaters can be relatively simple, some aspects, such as flueing and condensate arrangements, must be evaluated on a project­ by­  project basis. So, our recommendation is to begin working with building owners today to create an asset management programme. They will be adequately educated to prepare ahead to future proof their hot water systems and save energy with regular condition audits and plant asset inspection.

Factors to consider when moving to condensing gas fired water heating

There are two main factors

  1. Condensate drainage –  Unlike non-condensing types, condensing water heaters require an appropriate drainage point to discharge the condensate (the water vapor is cooled via the condensation process and releases the energy – in this process condensate is produced) that forms during normal operation. While a condensate discharge point may be close to the water heater installation, if one is not accessible, another place may need to be found or a soakaway used to accommodate the condensate pipe and discharge – which is normally PVC pipe.
  2. Flue issues – A vertical flue from the plantroom to the roof is usually required for a classic non-condensing water heater. When replacing a non-condensing unit with a condensing water heater, we have options of using either a co-axial flue, split flue or a single flue system with lengths up to 40 metres or lining the existing flue rise may be a possibility, depending on installation standards and restrictions. Alternatively using a horizontal flue that would pass right through an adjacent outside wall are often used , but this is contingent on sufficient wall space and the terminal location – which must comply with the following standards and guidelines for water heaters up to 70kW
  • BS5440: Flues and ventilation for gas appliances with a maximum rated power of 70kW (net); Building Regulations Part J Section: Additional regulations for gas burning appliances with a rated input up to 70kW; IGEM UP 10: Installation of flued gas appliances in industrial and commercial establishments.

By shifting from a reactive to a proactive mindset, they will be able to better prepare for change and budget for future enhancements. Even on the rare instances where exclusions may apply, forethought is essential. Early interaction with building control will be crucial if heating engineers are to be happy with the advice and prevent trouble.
With difficulties come chances. An update will prompt a re-evaluation of the building’s hot water demand. Over the last two years, many businesses will have seen fluctuations in building occupancy. Finally, the revised calculations may indicate that a smaller water heater is now required, resulting in lower initial capital investment and longer­ term operating expenses.

The transition to condensing technology provides designers and end users of hot water heating system with the opportunity to reposition the water heaters to make greater use of space, for example, at a hotel, the original plant room may be turned into an extra bedroom etc.

Budget allowing, there may even be the option of combining low carbon air source heat pumps with condensing water heaters in a hybrid system to reduce carbon footprint even more and achieve or strive for a net zero economy by 2050

Nobody wants buildings to be left in an emergency scenario without hot water, so if your looking at replacing you existing gas fired non condensing hot water heater , with a now compliant to regulations gas fired condensing water heater (tankless water heaters or storage water heater options – all with stainless steel heat exchangers) then we at Flexiheat UK are the company to speak to – call our sales team to get a price on 01202 822221 or use our email contact above on the web page.

Hot Horse Shower

Hot horse showers

horse shower uk; hot horse showering; lpg water heater;portable horse shower

A hot horse shower is an absolute necessity on every yard, and the perfect solution for washing horses after exercise or before competition. Our propane gas powered water heaters provide not only instant hot water , and a never ending supply of it, all with the touch of the on button.

The warm water our horse shower unit produces , can not only be used to wash your equine, but also dogs or even humans should the need arise .

Gone are the days of bathing your horse, with a sponge and a bucket of ice-cold water. Your horse and you deserve better in our opinion. Warm water, at an accurate water temperature to wash your horse or horses is a demand that most owners want as a minimum these days.

horse; shower;uk;seller portable horse;horse shower portable;portable horse shower

Why use hot water to wash horses

  • Hot water helps activate the shampoo and deliver it to the roots of the hair, allowing it to effectively perform a better job of removing debris and grease form your equine.
  • Hot water results in happier horse, especially when the winter when the temperature is cool or cold
  • Even in the summer, if the horses are really sweaty after activity, it is recommended not to hose the horse with cold water, as this can create complications such as significant blood vessel constriction – it is recommended to use hot water or lukewarm water.
  • These are some of the reasons and benefits of using an instant hot water horse shower.

Equine shower range

We do more than one size of LPG water heaters , but our most popular horse shower unit is our SF14 an internal mounted hot water generator, this has no pump, and is a direct flow type of hot water heater, with power output of 24 kW – This will produce 15.82 Litres a minute of 40C hot water temperature in typical summer time running , or 10.54 litres in the winter period.

Thus you could run 2 horse showers continuously in the summer, or one very good horse shower in the winter period. It’s also ERP “A” rated non-condensing low NOx water heater, which can be connected to a propane gas cylinder or propane gas bulk tank.

horse showering hot water system; SF14 water heater; lpg gas;portable horse shower

SF14 Water Heater – Internal – for horse showering supply


Please note this unit has 16mm diameter heat exchanger water ways – the largest we know of on the horse shower market- This diameter ensures very minimal pressure drops, lowers the possibility of clogging, improves thermal efficiency, and makes cleaning easier. This is particularly crucial in locations where the water is hard.

With an easy-to-use control panel to navigate through the menu items such as temperature setting on these high efficiency lpg hot horse showers.

Download the SF14 Low NOx gas fired water heater manual Flexiheat UK

You literally pay for what you get in this product sector, there are a lot of horse showers that are imported from the far east, they are poorly made. If you are considering one, establish their heat exchanger diameter, ask about spares back up, if they are “CE” approved and tested. Our gas horse shower units are manufactured in Europe, are fully CE approved, and have “A” rated ErP efficiency levels – which is important with ever rising energy cost. Pay cheap, pay twice is so relevant to these products.

Water pressure

Please note this SF14 water heater requires a minimum water pressure of 0.5 Bar and a maximum water pressure of 6 Bar. So you require a mains water supply to use to the full potential of the water heaters performance.

Instant hot water

Our horse shower provides instant hot water on demand, which ensures the lowest energy usage and fuel bills.

Electric powered showers

There are a few electric hot horse showers on the market , which plug into a standard 240 volt – 1 Phase electricity power supply that you have on the riding yard, but these only have a 2kw output capacity, which means that your only getting a 3 litre per minute water flow rate – simply not good enough for a good horse shower

A standard shower head is 7 Litres per minute flow rate – for example

The only realistic solution for a good horse shower is gas as the fuel -in particular propane gas also known as LPG gas , as this is the most commonly available and easiest gas to get for your horse yard- because it can generate a lot of hot water from relatively small gas bottle or gas bottles, or even a bulk tank if so required.

Portable horse shower ?

Yes, we’ve seen them on the market such as the hippo shower or hippo showers , but whilst a portable horse shower may suit certain horse riding yards or horse and pony owners- they come with some negatives, often the gas ignition system of the water heater is powered by two “D2” batteries which is fine in principle, but it naturally consumes battery power to the point that you need to remember to switch the device off afterwards or you end up with a lot of (expensive) dead batteries.

Other gas powered horse shower systems have a pilot light system for the propane water heater, which can be blown out by any strong gusts of wind.

Horse shower portable

Safety really is an issue with portable horse showers – we believe that the units should be placed inside the stable area or another safe location such as a tack room and the water transported to the horse via a hose – you can easily get hose with spray or shower head set ups that are of the retractable “magic” coil type, which are very neat and tidy – This literally is the case of ” horse to warm water or warm water to the horse ”

portable horse shower;menu items;propane gas;hippo showers;water heaters

Shower portable horse – electric

And when it comes to electric / electrical powered portable horse shower – again – the smaller portable horse shower units – which have a 13 amp plug – are only 2 kW rated – and aren’t powerful enough to produce the hot water you require to have an adequate shower and often suffer from water pressure problems ( one company / manufacturer actually stipulates that they must be used with a bucket and cannot be used direct from a mains water tap) . I thought we where trying to get away or past from using a bucket ?

Contact us 

If you are interested in our hot horse shower we sell direct, so you can purchase your horse hot water shower water heaters range, which come with a 2 year guarantee, directly from us at Flexiheat UK . We carry stock, so give our customer service team a call for a price for a new equine hot water shower heater.

Wall mounted industrial electric heaters – Industrial fan heater

Wall mounted industrial electric heaters – 5.3 kW to 22.8 kW output

Wall mounted industrial electric heaters from Flexiheat UK these electric fan heaters are for climate control or heating of buildings where off the floor wall mounting is required. These electrical heating space heaters have PTC heating elements with protection against overheating of the heater. The fan fitted to the electric wall mounted heater has a three speed fan for varying the airflow. They can be fitted with a thermostat for accurate temperature control.

Wall mounted industrial electric heaters- 3 Phase/ 415 Volt from Flexiheat UK

Wall mounted industrial electric heaters are a great heating solution, for the heating requirements for industrial and commercial environments or commercial applications such as factories, warehouses, garages, shops or any large areas that require installation of wall mounted electric heaters to heat either the staff or customers, with comfort heating powered by electricity.

These industrial heaters, are wall mounted fan heaters with the heating capacity, to quickly achieve the heat output and temperature you require. These wall mounted electric heaters benefit from a very low noise level, with intelligent fan control that not only controls the fan speed of these wall mounted heaters, but can adjust the heat output for improved energy efficiency.

These heaters are designed for industrial and heavy commercial use and are built to work correctly in these environments – these are not domestic ones – these are truly industrial units with the many benefits of sturdy construction, industrial grade heating elements which are well suited to larger industrial environments and the heating of them, such as electric warehouse heaters.

Sometimes these units are referred to as an electric fan coil heater or a fan coil unit electric heater.

Any industrial building or a larger industrial environment that requires an electric wall full heating system should consider our fan heaters, as they have a very low noise level and produce a nice comfort temperature with a great airflow temperature which is important in the colder months.

At these heat outputs you will require a three phase electrical supply to power these energy efficiency wall heaters that free up floor space in commercial spaces and make them ideally suited to electric warehouse heating.These units can be used in a ceiling mounting configuration as well.

These are not infrared heaters, they are a warm air wall mounted heater range.

In order to produce a warm airflow temperature, the wall mounted heaters fan speed automatically adjusts in relation to the room’s current temperature via intelligent fan control. When the heater model is powered on in a cold room, this prevents these installed wall mounted heaters from blowing cold air into the commercial spaces. The airflow temperature depends on what heat setting that is selected either manually or automatically by the controller used to quickly achieve the desired room temperature.

Running costs for these electric wall mounted heaters / fan heaters are good as they are 100% energy efficient.

They are also cheaper and easier to install than wall mounted water heated air heaters, as water heaters require both a flow and return pipework, installed on the wall or up in the ceiling area to bring water to the water heaters, as well as other accessories such as pumps.

Also, these wall heaters are cheaper and easier to install than gas fired heaters, as they have no flue pipe system to install through the ceiling or wall of the commercial premises.

Wall mounted electric heaters industrial

These wall mounted electric heaters free up valuable floor space, which is often at a premium in factories, warehouses, or a garage making these models particularly suitable for heating these type of environments with their large heat throw. These wall heaters are designed for hard work and are ideally suited to large workshops and many other commercial applications resulting in an economical full heating system with 100% heat output energy efficiency.

An installation picture of our electric wall mounted industrial fan heaters 3 phase from Flexiheat UK these electric fan heaters are for climate control or heating of buildings where off the floor wall mounting is required. These electrical heating space heaters have PTC heating elements with protection against overheating of the heater. The fan fitted to the electric wall mounted heater has a three-speed fan for varying the airflow. They can be fitted with a thermostat for accurate temperature control.

An install picture of our wall mounted warm air electric heaters industrial – these are 3-phase electric fan heaters from Flexiheat UK – freeing up valuable floor space.

Range options –

The “S” for the smaller wall heaters  – up to 10.8 kW heat output or the “L” for the larger wall heaters-  is up to 22.8 kW heat output.

Wall or ceiling mounted industrial electric heaters LEO EL form Flexiheat UK; fan heaters wall; heaters wall mounted; industrial fan heater; heating; fan heater wireless

LEO EL Range of industrial electric wall mounted heaters from Flexiheat UK

These electric fan space heaters have a fan IP rating of 20 –

The smaller unit has 2 heat levels or outputs – 5.3 kW or 10.8 kW heat output and the larger has 3 heat levels or outputs – 6.8 kW , 16.3 kW or 22.8 kW heat output.

The operating maximum temperature these heaters can withstand within the heating area is 50C.

With two options of remote control, either a basic “TS” remote control that has in inbuilt thermostat to adjust heat settings and manual fan speed control. The next option is our T-Box which is a fully BMS (building management system) compatible remote control, which can be a self-contained controller or be linked into a BMS system.

Download the Electric Industrial Unit Heaters EL BMS Flexiheat Brochure

We also do light industrial heaters or commercial electric fan heaters models which are electric wall mounted electric heaters which can be run off a single phase electric supply, however the maximum output this range of commercial heaters is limited to 6kW and the air flow and heat throw range of these fan heaters is somewhat less than our industrial heaters range.

commercial wall hung electric heaters from Flexiheat UK;fan heater wireless; heaters wall mounted; commercial; electrically heated air

Commercial electric heaters from Flexiheat UK – fan heater wireless

But being more compact fan heaters, these commercial heaters are suitable for heating shops or small garages where floor space is at a premium and the rooms air environments do not have too much dust. These heater units can also be supplied for heavy domestic environments as well.

Mounted wall control accessories 

This range of wall mounted electric heaters can be supplied and connected to various control options to produce an even ambient temperature from floor to ceiling and additionally, these mounted industrial fan heaters are equipped with an overheating protection system (both for the heater and fan).Both control options have a thermostatic control and a ventilation only mode which allows the fan to move the ambient temperature air flow around the area served by the heating system, which is useful in the summer periods.

We do a basic control option – the TS controller which has temperature and fan speed switches and thus control of the fan heaters- The fan speed control, and thus the airflow is manual, whilst the temperature and heat control of the heater and room via the thermostat is automatic on these TS units.


ts controller for our wall mounted electric heaters;

TS controller for our wall mounted electric industrial heaters Flexiheat UK



or we do a more advanced control equipment for this heater, which adapts the ec motor on the heater, and adjusts or switches the airflow and heat output levels according to the set temperature of the thermostat in the room. This wall mounted controller is designated the T-Box and is perfect for thermostat for industrial and commercial environments.

T Box controller for Leo Electric unit heaters from Flexiheat UK; electrically heated air; heaters wall mounted; industrial fan heaters

T Box controller for Leo Electric unit heaters – full BMS compatibility

Mounted on the wall or ceiling even

This wall mounted heater range can if so, required be ceiling mounted. Should the installation of the industrial fan heater change or the wall or walls space be required for another purpose, then you can mount these industrial heaters from the ceiling.

electric heaters; hvac system; wall mounted heater electric; heating element; space heater; industrial electric heater wall mounted;

Wall mounting heights for our industrial electric heaters Flexiheat UK

Note for ceiling installation – there must be a minimum of 20 cm from the back of the heater to the ceiling.

Wall Installation 

When wall mounted the maximum height for the smaller “Leo S” model is 3 Metres .The larger heater, the “Leo L” model ,can be wall mounted up to 6 Metres from floor level. Both units can be wall mounted at a lower level if so required.

wall mounted fan heaters

For these wall mounted electric heaters we can also supply a mixing chamber which allows fresh (outside) air to be brought into the space something we can’t do on our commercial heaters mentioned above. The air can be heated via the heat exchanger and then directed within the building, depending on the requirements. PTC electric heaters are used to heat the electrically heated air flow, which is subsequently blown within the large areas or room, depending on the needs. There are three air intakes in the mixing chamber: two for recirculated air and one for fresh air. The degree of damper opening may be easily adjusted from 0 to 100 percent.

Our fan heaters wall mounted electric heaters with mixing chamber are equipped with a filter – as standard it’s a coarse 80% (EN ISO 16890-1E) class filters installed on the air inlet. These filters ensures that the majority of coarse debris is filtered out from entering the wall mounted fan heater and its machinery, and wiring accessories.


3 Phase wall mounted industrial heaters

The availability of a 3-phase supply, as with any other electric heater type, greatly expands the potential alternatives as compared to a single phase. Three phase is not a problem in most industrial environments with electrically operated equipment. All of the machinery will run on three-phase power, and three-phase circuits will be installed. The existence of 3 phase not only expands the number of heaters accessible, but also the range of heating output possible, with a 3-phase wall mounted heater capacity typically limited to 22kw within single fan heater. You can use multiple heaters wall mounted to cover the heating requirement. These electric fan heaters have the potential to heat very large industrial and commercial working areas all the way down to shops etc.

Commercial and industrial wall mounted electric heaters

Should you require more information, availability or prices on our wall mounted industrial electric heaters / electric wall mounted industrial heaters then please don’t hesitate to call us / contact our sales team on 01202 822221 or use our email contact form via the contact us tab.

12kw Electric Boiler – Electric Boilers

12kw Electric Boiler – Electric Boilers

12kw electric boiler; 12 kw electric boilers;

Our 12kW electric boiler can be used for central heating and to produce domestic hot water as well, via an indirect cylinder. Whether the central heating system has standard radiators or underfloor heating systems, our electric boilers can do either or even both. This is electric heating a wet central heating system, with high energy efficiency.

They are the perfect new boiler solution for properties without a natural gas mains gas supply or where flueing requirements prevent the use of gas boilers, oil boilers, or even solid fuel boilers or electric storage heating.

All of our 12kw electric boilers will modulate their output to the heating requirements. This reduces the electricity consumption used and, subsequently, the fuel bills and running costs.

With a 12kW output, these electric boilers can be powered by either a single phase 240 Volt electric (the most common electric supply in UK homes) or a three phase 400 Volt electric supply.

If you buy from a supplier or produce your electricity from renewable energy sources- such as wind energy sources or solar electric energy, then you’re heating and hot water system can be zero carbon rated electric energy.

Electric boilers

Advantages / Benefits at a glance:

  • No risk from explosion or carbon monoxide with electric boilers
  • High efficiency – 100% – as no heat is wasted in the combustion process(as there is none) and flue or chimney system unlike a gas boiler or oil boiler.
  • Gas boiler restrictions mean that a annual safety certificate is required for a rented property with a gas boiler – this is not the case for wet central heating electric boilers, they do not require a annual safety certificate – that’s right no annual safety certificate is required !
  • Flexible installation location for the electric boiler -the lack of a flue or a chimney and no fuel tanks allows for more flexibility in the installed position, it also reduces the install cost too. Almost silent in operation too.
  • Heating and domestic hot water for your property when used with an indirect cylinder
  • Suitable for use on open vented systems or sealed heating systems. When used in older types of open vented systems, you require a minimum head of 8 mtrs on the boilers. Open vented systems are very rare these days, as a sealed heating system offers so many benefits.
  • Light weight and compact unit – these wall mounted electric boiler units are light weight, and can be installed in many locations – especially useful in smaller properties – all pipe work connections are located at the bottom
  • Flexible installation location with no fuel tanks to install
  • Reduce your carbon footprint, you can use solar panels to help power this boiler type
  • A long life soft start electric boiler system with zero volt switching – reducing maintenance, service and repair 

12kw Output  

  • Which is 12,000 Watts or 40,944 Btu’s of electric output for the wet central heating system.

Energy saving pump with protection against clogging

  • During a lengthy boiler shut-off period, regular spinning (once every 24 hours) keeps it from becoming clogged / blocked.

Very quiet operation

  • Thanks to the silent triac power switches on these 12kw electric model boilers, they are virtually silent, with no moving parts – zero volt switching.

Smart electronic modulating system with step less regulation

  • In low power steps or jumps of 2.5 kW each – the modulating electronic control of this wall mounted heating boiler, will ramp up and down the power steps or levels , to suit the central heating system requirements – be it underfloor heating or standard radiators – this auto heating regulation mode or process ensures reduced energy consumption, as the electric boiler matches the heating output to the demand of the standard radiators or underfloor heating systems, resulting in lower energy bills.

Suitable for Radiators or under floor systems 

  • Long life soft start system – which gently starts this boiler type – ensuring that there’s no power surges.

You can use a controller with “OpenTherm +” communication

  • These are your “Nest” or “Siri” type of room thermostat, that can be a wireless or internet room thermostat – that you can control your electric boiler from an app on your phone, pad or computer. Allowing you to control your central heating system on the go.

Or you can use traditional ambient thermostats to control the operating temperature

Possibility of temperature regulation according to the room or outside temperature

  • Possibility of remote control of the Electric boiler using an SMS message in conjunction with an SMS module ( optional extra)
  • Digital control panel with a clear two-digit LED digital display – for heating and hot water.
  • Safety switch protection – zero volt switching
  • HDO communication – remote switching of the electric supply the boilers to a low rate electricity tariff- very handy if your on an economy 7 type of cheaper tariff electric scheme – saving costs.
  • Possibility to control the water temperature output operation with a 0 – 10 Volt signal
  • Possibility of producing hot water with an external indirect water calorifier / cylinder when using our three-way valve.
  • Top design – with all the components to operate a wet central heating system, with all pipework connections easily accessed as the bottom of the boiler, for easy of installation. The auto air vent is located at the top of the boiler, to ensure it gets the air removed from the boiler, quality products are used throughout.
  • Small dimensions of the 12kw output units – greater possibility for installed locations – and lower water content
  • Integrated frost protection for this boiler type – to heat the property, and prevent burst pipes
  • Auto air vent – to remove any air from the units heat up chamber

Heating only or central heating & hot water

Our boilers can be used heating only or central heating & domestic hot water (DHW) when used with an indirect cylinder (which can be an unvented or an open vented systems), you can provide ample amounts of domestic hot water for your bath, or shower, as well as your dish washing needs. We highly recommend an unvented indirect cylinder, due to the benefits of mains pressure DHW.

At 12kw output you can’t get an 12kw electric combi boiler to produce an adequate flow rate, or adequate water temperatures , especially in the winter period ,when you require warm water the most. A combi boiler is only really a suitable unit or solution when you have a 3 Phase electric power supply as they require the higher Amps to do the job instantaneously.

This is the solution for an electric combi boiler for 15kW or under – using a small indirect hot water cylinder, as with 1 phase / 240 Volt you can’t get an combi boiler to produce enough flow rate to run a bath or shower in the winter period – when you need DHW the most ! quite simply a true electric combi boiler that produces water on demand won’t work at 12kw output or below.

We go into more detail on our 12kW electric combi boiler option more on its own dedicated webpage.


electric boilers for heating and hot water;electric boilers for hot water and central heating; electric hot water boiler system

A diagram showing how an electric central heating boiler is connected to a Domestic Water Cylinder – with stainless steel heat exchanger.

1. These electric boilers have an automatic system in them that operates both the heating and the indirect DHW cylinder via a 3 port valve ( no S plan configuration or Y plan configuration should be used)

2. It operates in switching mode

3. DHW always has priority

4. For heating it works at “heating” temperature – various temperature (25 to 80°C etc), can be set and controlled – and you can use Equithermal room thermostat control –

Equithermal control is compensated weather control- the boiler automatically drops the flow temperature relative to the weather conditions – for example on a day when the temperature is 12C outside – and you want 20C inside, the unit works out that you only require 50C to the radiators, and this saves you energy and thus running costs.

The boiler then automatically switches on the pump and heating elements and regulates to the desired temperature for the heating system.

5. For the DHW cylinder – which can be a , the electric boiler heats up to a higher temperature (usually 75-80°C, to heat the DHW cylinder as quickly as possible) – this automatic control closes the heating circuit and opens the DHW heating circuit, switches on the pump and heating elements and heats to a higher temperature (75-80°C) and heats the DHW cylinder very quickly (100 litres in approx. 10 – 20 minutes!)

6. After the DHW Cylinder is heated, it switches to heating (see “4.”)

Why is this set up important?

Because you can have two required temperatures – i.e., the heating side of the boiler, which may be running underfloor heating – which needs a maximum temperature of 45C, of if the electric boiler is compensating the flow temperatures to a radiator system, for example when the thermostatic radiator valves close  – it may have reduced the flow water temperature output to 50 or 60C – This would not be a high enough temperature to heat the indirect DHW cylinder

12kw electric boiler cable size

12 kw electric boiler cable size should be 16 mm2 for use on 1 phase 240Volt electric supply. After installation, all electrical work must be tested in accordance with IEE norms and NICEIC inspection, and a completion certificate must be obtained.

Electric heating company installation

Any electric heating company or a plumber in conjunction with an electrician can install our boilers , there’s nothing special to them and they work with all the standard manufacturer radiators, thermostatic radiator valves, under floor products that standard gas or oil boilers will. Thermostatic radiator valves are used to control individual room temperatures.

More Information / Prices

For more information or prices on our 12kW electric boiler options , then please don’t hesitate to contact our sales team on 01202 822221 or use our email contact form via the contact us tab on the website.

What size electric boiler do I need ? Boiler sizing

what size electric boiler do i need; what size electric boiler do i need calculator

What size electric boiler do I need? It is a question we are often asked. It may be in relation to a new property or replacing existing gas boilers or oil boilers. The following guide will take you through the process and things you need to consider when selecting the correct size boiler. We supply a full range of electric boilers, which are electric system boilers for central heating, be it for underfloor heating and hot water demands, or for radiators and hot water demands (domestic hot water via an indirect cylinder), or just for electric central heating only. So, if you’re looking for a “what size electric boiler do I need calculator”, keep reading.

Sizing an electric boiler for your home

The first part of selecting the correct electric heating boiler for a wet heating system is the heating load, which is expressed as your kW requirement. It doesn’t matter whether you are using radiators or an underfloor heating system – it’s the same for both, as a heating load is a heating load, as they say!

Here’s a quick chart – for properties built after 1990 that have a ceiling height of 2.7 metres, which is the standard, and an insulation value, or U value, of 0.3 – again, this should be the building standard in the 1990’s and onwards.

You can do this in a couple of different ways –

What size electric boiler chart – quick reference

Power Output of Boiler     Heating floor area

4.5 kW                                   ~ 55 m2

7.5 kW                                   ~ 85 m2

9 kW                                     ~ 110 m2

13.5 kW                                ~ 165 m2

15 kW                                   ~ 180 m2

22.5 kW                              ~ 278 m2

24 kW                                 ~ 300 m2

As a general rule, for properties built after the 1990’s, you should allow 1.5 kW for each radiator in your home. For example, if you have eight radiators, you should choose a 12kW electric boiler. This rule may change depending on the height of your ceilings, the type of glazing you have (single or double), and the effectiveness of your property’s insulation.

These rules of thumb are a good basis or guideline, but it’s a good idea to confirm this with a heating engineer before you make a potentially costly error, but this guideline will give you a good understanding of the size of electric boiler you require.


Or should you have an older property / home , than prior to the 1990’s such as an older Victorian type home or a property with different construction, such as stone, or all wood etc, and require a new boiler installation. Then the following is recommended

  1. The cost nothing, but your time method – This is our recommended sizing method, to be absolutely certain, even for homes built after 1990.

You can calculate the heat load yourself using the following website – this will tell you the heating load required to heat your home or flat by inputting all your rooms into the calculator and adding the total kW required together to give you the total heat load.


Heat Loss calculator is here


2. Consult a plumber or a professional heating engineer –they will be able to do a heat loss calculation for your property and do the boiler installation.

When you have your required output – please see our dedicated webpages on the appropriate boiler you require

Central heating electric boilers


Electric combi boilers

Combi boilers do both heating and hot water in one unit normally without the need for a hot water cylinder, but there are conditions with regards to the Amps you have available – see the above webpage for more information.

Electric boiler sizing

The electric boiler sizing process is exactly the same as for gas and oil boilers. It all comes down to how well insulated your property is. The higher the insulation level, the lower the electric central heating system output you require and visa versa. It’s all down to the heat loss of your property , as electric boilers work the same as gas boilers or an oil boiler in that they produce a kW output, just that they are powered by electricity.

Frequently asked questions on electric boilers

How much does an electric boiler cost to run?

The easiest way to work out how much an electric boiler will cost to heat your property is to check your annual heat use via your existing energy bill. This will be shown in kilowatt hours for a gas boiler. Multiply the number of kWh by your electricity tariff / , to find your annual electric heating running costs. You may find the amount of kWh used by your electric boiler is lower than that of your gas or oil boiler because it is more efficient, so that figure will be reduced.

1. For Gas boilers

You get last year’s gas bills – and get the kWh’s that the boiler used – then deduct at least 10% off as boilers are at maximum around 90% Gross efficient (electric boilers are 100% efficient) see a full explanation of Gross V Nett efficiency of boilers here – The total quantity of heat that can be produced by burning the fuel either gas or oil and how much of that heat the boiler can deliver inside your home is referred to as gross efficiency, so ultimate gross is what you get out of the boiler as usable heat.

So at the very best, a condensing boiler in a gas boiler or oil boilers are 90% efficient gross – but we’ve seen readings of analysers that had the efficiency as low as 63 % for boilers that were only 15 years old – so there can be some large differences in the real world figures

Get the existing installation checked with a flue gas analyser. It will give a true reading.

So if you have used 1,500 kWh of gas, multiply this by your efficiency figure – let’s just say in this example it is a highly efficient boiler at 90% net.

1,500 x 90% = 1,350 kWh

If the boiler is only 63% efficient, then the revised calculation would be

1,500 x 63% = 945 kWh

When you have this figure multiply it by the price you pay for electric per kWh , as electric boilers are 100% energy efficient– then that’s what it would have cost you for the last years usage. Thus, you are comparing like for like electricity running costs based on the same usage data for gas and oil boiler.

2. For Oil boilers

Same applies as above with regards to efficiency levels etc , but normally kerosene is sold by the litres – Thus, get the litres bought / consumed for the home for the year .

In 1 litre of kerosene, there is 10.35kWh of thermal heat available.

So if some used 500 litres, then they used

500 x 10.35 kWh = 5,175 kWh of energy 

Again, multiply by the efficiency – say 90% at the very best ( if it’s a condensing oil boiler) which can be as low as 60% etc as per the above point for a gas boiler.

5,175 x 90% = 4,657.50 kWh

Then multiply this figure by the price you pay for electricity per kWh, and that’s what it would have cost you for the last year’s usage as compared to an oil boiler. Thus, you are comparing electricity running costs like for like based on the same usage data for your home.

What’s is the largest electric boiler that can be run on 240 volt single phase ?

The largest electric central heating boiler or electric combi boiler you can run of a single phase , 240 volt electric supply is 15kW. Electric boilers tend to be limited by the maximum amps a property has available – normally 100 Amps for a UK property.

What size electric boiler do I need for underfloor heating ?

Exactly the same size as you would require for a radiator system , a “heat loss” is as they say “a heat loss”. Please see the above “what size electric boiler do I need calculator” above on this webpage.

Is my house too big for an electric boiler?

No, electric boilers are available all the way up to 500kW of output, so we can cover any boiler size you would ever require. Your limiting factor will be the amps required to power the electric boiler. After 15kW output electric boiler size , you will require a 3-Phase electrical supply.

Electric boiler size need

Hopefully the above advice on which size electric boiler do I need / what size boiler for heating – which are referred to as an electric system boiler (be it underfloor or radiators heating). These electric boilers can also be coupled up to cylinders for heating domestic hot water for your home hot water services/system.

Remember installation costs are lower for electric boilers as the boiler installer does not have to be a gas safe registered engineer or OFTEC registered (for oil) which are required for a gas or oil boiler install.

So, get in touch with us for your electric boiler costs, whether you require an electric system boiler, which works in conjunction with a hot water cylinder for your domestic hot water demand.

And generally, an electric boiler cost less than an equivalent sized gas and oil boilers.